A change in distribution policy and why we make it.

Most of the open source projects in the world distribute the compiled version of their source code. Starting today, this is going to change.

The LibrePlan web planning software project offers freedom in the following ways:

  • You have the freedom to use it however you wish, including installing it on multiple machines and sharing copies with others.
  • The source code is available for free, allowing you to build and modify the program yourself.

A common way to explain this is by saying, “LibrePlan is free as in freedom of speech, not free as in free beer.” Some languages, unlike English, have separate words to distinguish between these concepts—like “libre” (free as in freedom) and “gratis” (free as in cost) in French. LibrePlan is “libre” software, with a touch of “gratis” as well.

If you prefer the ease of using a pre-built version and/or want support from LibrePlan’s developers and experienced community members, we ask for a contribution. Simply go to https://opencollective.com/libreplan/donate and there you have a wide variety of donation choices. This option will be added to our login screen for the community edition of LibrePlan (to be released soon).

If you deploy LibrePlan in an enterprise environment we also have a LibrePlan Enterprise Edition available for you. The LibrePlan Enterprise Edition has several changes compared to the Community Edition:

  • The Enterprise Edition lacks the sponsoring button on the login screen.
  • The Enterprise Edition contains a LibrePlan Enterprise logo that is the sole copyrighted property of LibrePlan Enterprise™.
  • The Enterprise Edition has the non-free LibrePlan Enterprise™ trademark attached to it and is available through a subscription model. Visit https://www.libreplan-enterprise.com for more details.

If you choose not to pay for a pre-built version, you will need to download the source code and compile it on your own. We do not provide support for this process.

LibrePlan is a large and complex software project, and without financial support, its development could slow down or stop. Our (soon to be build) download system is one way we generate revenue. We encourage you to join the amazing community that helps ensure LibrePlan’s ongoing development.

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